Thursday, March 24, 2011

Prepare to be misinformed.

Who doesn't like a terribly brief and self-aggrandizing-yet-thematically-unrelated first blog post?

My name is Marcus, and I've danced on the sun with a gun in each hand. I've seen roller coasters tie themselves into knots with the hopes I would compliment them (I totally wouldn't, that's dangerous). When bears hibernate, they have terrible nightmares about me but are too fat to sleepwalk to safety. I jumped on a trampoline with a pogo stick and somehow grew a beard. I am in no way inspired by Charlie Sheen. When I go to see magicians perform, they are able to actually materialize helicopters and elephants and shit from behind tarps, instead of just hiding them somewhere beforehand, but they still hide one just in case and then their elephant fights my elephant and mine always wins. When I put my shoes on the wrong feet, they automatically change their shape to be more pleasing to my arches and insteps. I can't read, but I can write just fine.

And now that you know the basics, I will also add that I am an avid Warhammer 40k player and that the majority of my posts will be related to tactics, codex and unit reviews, battle reports, and making fun of people named Kevin. The rest will be chroniclings of my least awesome adventures and drunken indiscretions (the most awesome ones will be omitted as they defy both written word and internet bandwith). So I will leave you with the promise that in the near future I will be posting reviews of generic "Tyranid Tournament Lists" vs my "Seriously Stylish and Seductive 'Stealer Shock Syllabus", or SSSSSS for short. And after April...specifically, starting on the 2nd...GREY KNIGHT PROJECT ARMY WEEKLY RECAP MADNESS! Believe it. For everyone who visited from Baals-2-The-Waals, please love me. I'm lonely.

See you on the gaming table.

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